Audio Broadcast

The first media artefact we produced was a short, 30 second missing persons report made for the radio. This can be found on the missingpersonsunitwales website and it will also be playing in the background of our vampire film. Firstly we did some radio news bulletin research, listening to stations such as BBC Radio 1, 1Xtra and Radio Cardiff, and then began to write a script with Adam as he is the one who recorded it at his home studio.

Adam would send over a rough draft of the script to me via iMessage and then I would send back any grammatical changes. From the research we conducted we were able to include all the relevant information to describe the missing person, so listening to other bulletins helped a lot. Once we decided on a final draft, I sent it to a couple of second year journalism students who looked over it for us, so that it sounds legitimate and authentic.

After the journalism students looked at it for me, I called Adam to give him the feedback. One comment given was to make the script sound like we are just talking to another person. We also discussed how we were going to make the bulletin sound by adding effects to the presenter’s voice and talked about the duration of the report too.

Below: final draft of the script
