Teaser Trailer

Just off the Transylvania Street in a park surrounded by trees outside of Cardiff we shot a teaser trailer for our vampire film. Four of us and our actress for Red, Laura Maggs, arrived at around half 5 and set up as it was the perfect time for lighting and colour temperatures. We shot the trailer with a Sony Fs5 and placed it on a monfrotto tripod when we needed still shots.

In terms of editing, the clips were arranged in a sequence so that there was a shot of Red and then a blacked out interval. The sound was recorded on an iPhone 6 separately and inserted into the trailer non-diegetically.

Once the trailer was complete, we screened it to the rest of the course for the first time during our presentation in Multimedia. We also posted it on our official ‘Redemption’ Facebook page and shared it across our own profiles.

Here is our teaser trailer: