
We have decided for our Marketing scheme to create a realistic world for our film to be set in.

We took inspiration from Channel 4 and their marketing for the TV Show humans. When advertising the show they created a series of adverts for a product from the world they had created for the show. The product was for a ‘human/robot’ that would work for families in their house, a product that doesn’t currently exist in our society but could easily be created with recent technology. At the end of the advert, the screen simply showed the name of the show and the release date. This confused people and through word of mouth and social media almost everyone was talking about this show.

After talking about this marketing scheme we set about thinking of adverts/posters we could create. We thought of

  • A crime watch style video- this would be a video describing another attack that has happened with a reenactment video included, this would be to show the extent of missing people in the Cardiff area in our world.
  • A vlog- the vlog would show people walking around Cardiff searching for the attacker and going about the places the attacks have happened, this would give the illusion that real people are interested in the attack, making it seem more realistic.
  • Snapchat videos- snapchat videos showing someone running around Cardiff away from the attacker, this would show that it is a big problem and it’s happening to multiple people.
  • Facetime video- we possibly might create a video of someone being on FaceTime to their friend and having someone chasing them, this would add to the increase of problem and would hopefully have people talking about the fake attacks.
  • Posters- we have already created missing people posters for our website, we will be using these but also creating new ones advertising our film.
  • Podcast- we have already created a podcast for our missing people website, we will be creating a few more radio adverts and news broadcasts to help aid our marketing.
  • Trailer- we have also already create a trailer for our film, we may update it and change the edit slightly for this module.