Poster Analysing

When thinking about the concept of the film and how I would personally promote it I took inspiration from the Scream television series by MTV and Netflix.

The poster on the left is from the first original Scream film. The actress in the close up shot has a direct mode of address to try and reach out to the audience. Her wide eyes exaggerate the seriousness of the situation that she is in. The hand over her mouth isn’t just an enigma but also creates an enigma. It makes the audience wonder if it’s her own hand or somebody else’s to stop her from screaming. If it is her hand then why is she covering her mouth? What is so shocking for her to react like that?

The poster on the right is taken from the advertising campaign for the Scream TV series. The format and design has been altered for a contemporary audience and modern day setting. The shot and direct mode of address stays the same however you can blatantly see that she is screaming rather than something blocking her mouth. A different enigma is created with this poster because of the use of the iconography. Why is the mask there? Could she be the masked killer? Does anybody know who the killer is? The mask captures the audience’s curiosity causing fans to ask these questions and spark interest into watching the show.

A theme that the two posters share is the use of ‘woman in peril’ or ‘damsel in distress’, which is a classic theme that has been used since the existence of greek mythology and is clearly still used today. This idea of females being in trouble depicts women as vulnerable, powerless and not being in control of the situation. As the protagonist and antagonist of our film are females I aim to adopt some of the ways Scream have been advertised their female characters.